
An interview with Martin Bichler on nodal pricing and price zones in the day-ahead electricity market.

Martin Bichler gives a talk at the Learning in Games workshop in Toulouse, July 1-3, 2024

Martin Bichler co-organizes a Dagstuhl Workshop on Dealing with Complexities in Auction and Matching Market Design in February 2025

New special issue on Market Design at Mathematics of Operations Research (together with Sasa Pekec, Nicole Immorlica, Scott Kominers, and Paul Milgrom).

Martin Bichler gives an invited talk at Penn State University on March 15

Martin Bichler is member of the INFORMS Donald P. Gaver, Jr. Early Career Award Committee.

Martin Bichler was invited to give a presentation at the AI/OR workshop, to be held on Thursday, March 21st through Friday, March 22nd at the Computing Research Association headquarters in downtown Washington, DC.

Martin Bichler will give an invited talk at Boston University on March 8, 2024

Martin Bichler will give an invited talk at Harvard Unversity on March 7, 2024.

Martin Bichler will give an invited talk at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam on Jan 30, 2024.