Teodora Dobos

E-Mail: teodora.dobos@tum.de
Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 - 17508
Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 - 17535

Office: Room 01.10.053
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Munich, Germany

Hours: by arrangement

Short Bio

I am a PhD student supervised by Prof. Bichler. In my research, I investigate allocation and pricing algorithms for electricity markets.


  • since 04/2023: Research Asisstant, Chair of Decision Sciences & Systems
  • 10/2020 - 02/2023: M.Sc. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich
  • 10/2017 - 08/2020: B.Sc. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich


Journal Publications

Solving Large-Scale Electricity Market Pricing Problems in Polynomial Time
Mete Şeref Ahunbay, Martin Bichler, Teodora Dobos, Johannes Knörr
In European Journal of Operational Research, 2024 [ DOI ]

In Preparation

Finding Stable Price Zones in European Electricity Markets: Aiming to Square the Circle? 
Teodora Dobos, Martin Bichler, Johannes Knörr
Preprint, 2024 arXiv ]

Zonal vs. Nodal Pricing: An Analysis of Different Pricing Rules in the German Day-Ahead Market 
Johannes Knörr, Martin Bichler, Teodora Dobos
Preprint, 2024 [ arXiv ]

Conference Talks

An Analysis of Zonal and Nodal Pricing for the German Day-Ahead Electricity Market, Ninth Marketplace Innovation Workshop (MIW), Online, 05/2024


  • Operations Research (IN0024), Teaching Assistant: SS23, SS24
Supervised Theses
  • An Optimization Framework for Designing Energy Communities, B.Sc. Information Systems, in progress
  • Understanding the Market Dynamics in German Electricity Markets: An Analysis of the EPEX Spot Data, B.Sc. Information Systems, in progress
  • Automated Data Quality Solutions in Data Lakes, B.Sc. Information Systems, in cooperation with an industry partner, in progress
  • A Framework for Solving and Analyzing Electricity Market Pricing Problems, B.Sc. Informatics
  • A Framework for Solving and Analyzing Allocation Problems for Electricity Markets, B.Sc. Information Systems
  • A Framework for Data Extraction and Analysis for Electricity Markets, B.Sc. Information Systems
  • Price Forecasting in Intraday and Frequency Containment Reserve Markets for Battery Storage, M.Sc. Computational Science and Engineering