Tom Wollschläger
Technical University of Munich
Department of Informatics - I26
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Room: 00.11.056
E-Mail: tom.wollschlaeger [at]
Research Focus
- robustness and uncertainty in machine learning
- machine learning for graphs and molecules
- quantum computing for machine learning
Research Background
- 2020: Master's thesis: Certifiable Robustness for Arbitrary Classifiers using Graph Diffusion
- 2018: Bachelor's thesis (computer science): Forecasting Passenger Demand for Mobility Services using Machine Learning
- 2017: Bachelor's thesis (engineering science): The Influence of Light Intensity on Organic Solar Cells
- M.Sc. Mathematics in Data Science, Technical University of Munich
- B.Sc. Computer Science (minor mathematics), Technical University of Munich
- B.Sc. Engineering Science, Technical University of Munich