2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
Here are selected publications of the Computer Graphics & Visualization Group.
2023 | Download | BibTeX |
Visual analysis of model parameter sensitivities along warm conveyor belt trajectories using Met.3D (1.6.0-multivar1) Christoph Neuhauser, Maicon Hieronymus, Michael Kern, Marc Rautenhaus, Annika Oertel, Rüdiger Westermann Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), 2023 | [PDF] [Video] [Code] | [BIB] |
Neural Fields for Interactive Visualization of Statistical Dependencies in 3D Simulation Ensembles Fatemeh Farokhmanesh, Kevin Höhlein, Christoph Neuhauser, Tobias Necker, Martin Weissmann, Takemasa Miyoshi, Rüdiger Westermann The Eurographics Association, Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV), 2023 | [PDF] [Video] | [BIB] |
2018 | Download | BibTeX |
Interactive Visual Exploration of Line Clusters M. Kanzler and R. Westermann Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2018 | BIB | |
Visual Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of Ensemble Forecast Sensitivities A. Kumpf, M. Rautenhaus, M. Riemer, and R. Westermann IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2018) | BIB | |
Interactive 3D Visual Analysis of Atmospheric Fronts M.Kern, T. Hewson, A. Schäfler, R. Westermann, M. Rautenhaus IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2018) | BIB | |
A Voxel-based Rendering Pipeline for Large 3D Line Sets M. Kanzler, M. Rautenhaus, R. Westermann IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2018 | BIB |
2017 | Download | BibTeX |
Visualization in Meteorology - A Survey of Techniques and Tools for Data Analysis Tasks Marc Rautenhaus, Michael Böttinger, Stephan Siemen, Robert Hoffman, Robert M. Kirby, Mahsa Mirzargar, Niklas Röber, and Rüdiger Westermann IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (accepted for publication), 2017 doi: 10.1109/tvcg.2017.2779501 | ||
Robust Detection and Visualization of Jet-stream Core Lines in Atmospheric Flow Michael Kern, Tim Hewson, Filip Sadlo, Rüdiger Westermann and Marc Rautenhaus IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2017) | BIB | |
Visualizing Confidence in Cluster-based Ensemble Weather Forecast Analyses Alexander Kumpf, Bianca Tost, Marlene Baumgart, Michael Riemer, Rüdiger Westermann, and Marc Rautenhaus IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2017) | BIB | |
Infill Optimization for Additive Manufacturing –Approaching Bone-like Porous Structures Jun Wu, Niels Aage, Rüdiger Westermann, Ole Sigmund IEEE TVCG accepted for publication, 2017 | ||
Perceptual Evaluation of Liquid Simulation Methods Kiwon Um, Xiangyu Hu and Nils Thuerey ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2017 | ||
Data-Driven Synthesis of Smoke Flows with CNN-based Feature Descriptors Mengyu Chu and Nils Thuerey ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2017 |
2016 | Download | BibTeX |
Visualizing the Central Tendency of Ensembles of Shapes I. Demir, M. Jarema, R. Westermann Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Symposium on Visualization, 2016 (accepted for publication) | BIB | |
Line density control in screen-space via balanced line hierarchies M. Kanzler, F. Ferstl, R. Westermann Computer & Graphics 2016 | BIB | |
Time-hierarchical Clustering and Visualization of Weather Forecast Ensembles F. Ferstl, M. Kanzler, M. Rautenhaus, R. Westermann IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear (IEEE VIS 2016) | BIB | |
Self-Supporting Rhombic Infill Structures for Additive Manufacturing J. Wu, C. Wang, X. Zhang, R. Westermann Computer-Aided Design, 2016, to appear | BIB | |
Shape Interior Modeling and Mass Property Optimization Using Ray-reps J. Wu, L. Kramer, R. Westermann Computers & Graphics, 58: 66-72, 2016 | BIB | |
Visual Analysis of Spatial Variability and Global Correlations in Ensembles of Iso-Contours F. Ferstl, M. Kanzler, M. Rautenhaus, R. Westermann Computer Graphics Forum, 35: 221–230 (EuroVis 2016) | BIB | |
Comparative Visual Analysis of Transport Variability in Flow Ensembles M. Jarema, J. Kehrer, R. Westermann, J. WSCG, 24(1):25-34, 2016 | ||
Screen-space Silhouettes for Visualizing Ensembles of 3D Isosurfaces I. Demir, J. Kehrer, R. Westermann, Proceedings of IEEE PacificVis Visualization Notes, 2016 | BIB | |
Narrow Band FLIP for Liquid Simulations F. Ferstl, R. Ando, C. Wojtan, R. Westermann, N. Thuerey, Computer Graphics Forum, 35: 225–232 (Eurographics 2016) | BIB |
2015 | Download | BibTeX |
Solving the Fluid Pressure Poisson Equation Using Multigrid—Evaluation and Improvements C. Dick, M. Rogowsky, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Accepted | ||
A System for High-Resolution Topology Optimization J. Wu, C. Dick, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Accepted | BIB | |
Memory-Efficient Interactive Online Reconstruction from Depth Image Streams Florian Reichl, Jakob Weiss Rüdiger Westermann Computer Graphics Forum (2016) | BIB | |
Three-dimensional visualization of ensemble weather forecasts – Part 1: The visualization tool Met.3D (version 1.0) M. Rautenhaus, M. Kern, A. Schäfler, and R. Westermann, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2329-2353, 2015 | ||
Three-dimensional visualization of ensemble weather forecasts – Part 2: Forecasting warm conveyor belt situations for aircraft-based field campaigns M. Rautenhaus, C. M. Grams, A. Schäfler and R. Westermann, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2355-2377, 2015 | ||
Vector-to-Closest-Point Octree for Surface Ray-Casting I. Demir, R. Westermann, Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2015 | BIB | |
Streamline Variability Plots for Characterizing the Uncertainty in Vector Field Ensembles F. Ferstl, K. Bürger, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2015 (Proc. IEEE SciVis 2015) | BIB | |
By-Example Synthesis of Structurally Sound Patterns J. Dumas, A. Lu, S. Lefebvre, J. Wu, C. Dick, SIGGRAPH 2015 | ||
Comparative Visual Analysis of Vector Field Ensembles M. Jarema, I. Demir, J. Kehrer, R. Westermann, Proc. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST) | BIB | |
Analyzing the Effect of Lossy Compression on Particle Traces in Turbulent Vector Fields M. Treib, K. Bürger, J. Wu, R. Westermann, International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, accepted for publication | ||
High-Quality Shadows for Streaming Terrain Rendering M. G. Chajdas, F. Reichl, C. Dick, R. Westermann, Eurographics 2015 Short Papers | BIB | |
A Survey of Physically-based Simulation of Cuts in Deformable Bodies J. Wu, R. Westermann, C. Dick, Computer Graphics Forum 34(6):161--187,2015 | BIB |
2010 | Download | BibTeX |
Interactive Deformations with Multigrid Skeletal Constraints J. Georgii, D. Lagler, C. Dick, R. Westermann, VRIPHYS Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations 2010 | BIB | |
Efficient High-Quality Volume Rendering of SPH Data R. Fraedrich, S. Auer, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16(6):1533-1540, 2010 (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2010) | BIB | |
Interactive Separating Streak Surfaces F. Ferstl, K. Bürger, H. Theisel, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16(6):1569-1577, 2010 (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2010) | BIB | |
Interactive Histology of Large-Scale Biomedical Image Stacks Won-Ki Jeong, Jens Schneider, Stephen G. Turney, Beverly E. Faulkner-Jones, Dominik Meyer, Rüdiger Westermann, R. Clay Reid, Jeff Lichtman, Hanspeter Pfister, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2010) | ||
GPU-Aware Hybrid Terrain Rendering C. Dick, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IADIS CGVCVIP 2010 | BIB | |
Sample-based Surface Coloring K. Bürger, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 16, No. 5 | BIB | |
A Streaming Approach for Sparse Matrix Products and its Application in Galerkin Multigrid Methods J. Georgii and R. Westermann, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Vol. 37 | BIB | |
GPU-Based Euclidean Distance Transforms and Their Application to Volume Rendering J. Schneider, M. Kraus, R. Westermann, Springer CCIS 68, 2010 | BIB |
2008 | Download | BibTeX |
Acceleration of Medical Imaging Algorithms Using Programmable Graphics Hardware Thomas Schiwietz, PhD Thesis | BIB | |
Interpolating and Downsampling RGBA Volume Data Martin Kraus and Kai Bürger, VMV 2008 | BIB | |
Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering for Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions Martin Kraus, Volume Graphics 2008 | BIB | |
Direct Volume Editing K. Bürger, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2008) | BIB | |
Corotated Finite Elements Made Fast and Stable J. Georgii, R. Westermann, VRIPHYS Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations 2008 | BIB | |
Computational Steering for Patient-Specific Implant Planning in Orthopedics C. Dick, J. Georgii, R. Burgkart, R. Westermann, Visual Computing for Biomedicine 2008 | BIB | |
Efficient image reconstruction for point-based and line-based rendering Ricardo Marroquim, Martin Kraus, and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti, Computer and Graphics 32(2):189-203, 2008 | BIB | |
Interactive Simulation and Visualization in Joint Replacement Surgery C. Dick, J. Georgii, R. Westermann, 10. Internationale Biomechanik- und Biomaterial-Tage München 2008 | BIB | |
A Real-time Model-based Approach for the Reconstruction of Fluid Flows induced by Microorganisms P. Kondratieva, J. Georgii, H. Petermeier, W. Kowalczyk, A. Delgado, R. Westermann, Experiments in Fluids (2008), 45:203-222 | ||
Real-Time Simulation and Visualization of Deformable Objects Joachim Georgii, Ph. D. Thesis | BIB | |
Quasi-Convolution Pyramidal Blurring Martin Kraus, GRAPP 2008 | BIB | |
Importance-Driven Particle Techniques for Flow Visualization K. Bürger, P. Kondratieva, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, Pacific Vis 2008 | BIB |
2007 | Download | BibTeX |
Interactive Collision Detection for Deformable and GPU objects J. Georgii, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems Vol. 2 Number 2 (October 2007) | BIB | |
GPU Rendering of Secondary Effects K. Bürger, S. Hertel, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, Conference on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) 2007 | BIB | |
Interactive Model-based Image Registration T. Schiwietz, J. Georgii, R. Westermann, Conference on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) 2007 | BIB | |
Freeform Image T. Schiwietz, J. Georgii, R. Westermann, Pacific Graphics 2007 | BIB | |
Efficient Point-Based Rendering Using Image Reconstruction R. Marroquim, M. Kraus, P. Roma Cavalcanti, PBG 2007 | BIB | |
Depth-of-Field Rendering by Pyramidal Image Processing M. Kraus, M. Strengert, EG 2007 | BIB | |
GPU-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation M. Kraus, M. Eissele, M. Strengert, SCIA 2007 | BIB | |
Interactive Visual Exploration of Unsteady 3D Flows K. Bürger, J. Schneider, P. Kondratieva, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, EuroVis 2007 | BIB | |
Pyramid Filters Based on Bilinear Interpolation M. Kraus, M. Strengert, GRAPP 2007 | BIB | |
Interactive GPU-based Collision Detection J. Georgii, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IADIS Computer Graphics and Visualization 2007 | BIB | |
Advanced Volume Rendering for Surgical Training Environments J. Georgii, M. Eder, L. Kovacs, A. Schneider, M. Dobritz, R. Westermann, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (Proceedings of CARS) 2007 | BIB | |
GPU-accelerated MR Image Reconstruction From Radial Measurement Lines T. Schiwietz, T. Chang, P. Speier, R. Westermann, ISMRM 2007: Workshop on Non-Cartesian MRI | BIB | |
A Fast And High-Quality Cone Beam Reconstruction Pipeline Using The GPU T. Schiwietz, S. Bose, J. Maltz, R. Westermann, SPIE Medical Imaging 2007 | BIB | |
A GPU Framework for Interactive Simulation and Rendering of Fluid Effects J. Krüger, Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2006, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) | BIB | |
A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware J. Owens, D. Luebke, N. Govindaraju, M. Harris, J. Krüger, A. Lefohn, T. Purcell, Computer graphics Forum, 2007 Volume 26 | BIB | |
Efficient Stipple Rendering J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IADIS Computer Graphics and Visualization 2007 | BIB |
2006 | Download | BibTeX |
A GPU Framework for Interactive Simulation and Rendering of Fluid Effects J. Krüger, Ph. D. Thesis | BIB | |
Real-Time Editing, Synthesis, and Rendering of Infinite Landscapes on GPUs J. Schneider, T. Boldte, R. Westermann, Conference on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV), 2006 | BIB | |
A Generic and Scalable Pipeline for GPU Tetrahedral Grid Rendering J. Georgii, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2006) | BIB | |
ClearView: An Interactive Context Preserving Hotspot Visualization Technique J. Krüger, J. Schneider, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2006) | BIB | |
Advanced Volume Rendering Techniques for Medical Applications J. Georgii, J. Schneider, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, M. Eder, L. Kovacs, 5. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie (CURAC), 2006 | BIB | |
Interactive Screen-Space Accurate Photon Tracing on GPUs J. Krüger, K. Bürger, R. Westermann, Proceedings EGSR 2006 | BIB | |
Echtzeitverfahren zur modellbasierten Rekonstruktion von Strömungsfeldern aus experimentell bestimmten Partikelsequenzen P. Kondratieva, J. Georgii, R. Westermann, 14. Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik (GALA 2006) | BIB | |
A Hybrid Approach Between Experiment and Evaluation for Artefact Detection and Flow Field Reconstruction H. Petermeier, A. Delgado, P. Kondratieva, R. Westermann, F. Holtmann, V. Krishnamachari, C. Denz, 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV 2006) | BIB | |
A Multigrid Framework for Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Bodies J. Georgii, R.Westermann, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2006 | BIB | |
GPU-Friendly High-Quality Terrain Rendering J. Schneider, R. Westermann, Journal of WSCG 2006 | BIB | |
MR Image Reconstruction Using the GPU T. Schiwietz, T. Chang, P. Speier, R. Westermann, SPIE Medical Imaging 2006 | BIB | |
Compression and Rendering of Iso-Surfaces and Point Sampled Geometry J. Krüger, J. Schneider, R. Westermann, Visual Computer 2006, Volume 22, Number 8 / August, 2006 | BIB | |
Realistic and Interactive Simulation of Rivers P. Kipfer, R. Westermann, Graphics Interface 2006 | BIB |
2005 | Download | BibTeX |
The Application of GPU Particle Tracing to Diffusion Tensor Field Visualization P. Kondratieva, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IEEE Visualization 2005 | BIB | |
Interactive Simulation and Rendering of Heterogeneous Deformable Bodies J. Georgii, R.Westermann, Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2005 | BIB | |
GPU Construction and Transparent Rendering of Iso-Surfaces P. Kipfer, R. Westermann, VMV Conference 2005 | BIB | |
Random Walks for Interactive Organ Segmentation in Two and Three Dimensions: Implementation and Validation L. Grady, T. Schiwietz, S. Aharon, R. Westermann, Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2005) | BIB | |
A Multigrid Framework for Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Volumes J. Georgii, R.Westermann, VRIPHYS Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations 2005 | BIB | |
Mass-Spring Systems on the GPU J. Georgii, R. Westermann, Simulation Practice and Theory 2005 | BIB | |
DuoDecim - A Structure for Point Scan Compression and Rendering J. Krüger, J. Schneider, R. Westermann, Point-Based Graphics 2005 | BIB | |
GPU Simulation and Rendering of Volumetric Effects for Computer Games and Virtual Environments J. Krüger, R. Westermann, Eurographics 2005 | BIB | |
A Particle System for Interactive Visualization of 3D Flows J. Krüger, P. Kipfer, P. Kondratieva, R. Westermann, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol. 11, No. 6 | BIB | |
A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware J. Owens, D. Luebke, N. Govindaraju, M. Harris, J. Krüger, A. Lefohn, T. Purcell, Eurographics 2005, State of the Art Reports | BIB | |
GPU Gems 2 Chapter 'A GPU Framework for Solving Systems of Linear Equations' J. Krüger, R. Westermann, GPU Gems 2 | BIB | |
GPU Gems 2 Chapter 'Improved GPU Sorting' P. Kipfer, R. Westermann, GPU Gems 2 | BIB | |
Interactive Simulation of Deformable Bodies on GPUs J. Georgii, F. Echtler, R. Westermann, Simulation and Visualization 2005 | BIB | |
Random walks for interactive alpha-matting L. Grady, T. Schiwietz, S. Aharon, R. Westermann, VIIP 2005 | BIB |
2004 | Download | BibTeX |
Physically Accurate Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Bodies for Surgical Training and Therapy Planning J. Georgii, R. Westermann, H. Feussner, Curac 2004 | BIB | |
High Quality Real-Time Volume Rendering for Time-Dependent Medical Data J. Schneider, J. Krüger, R. Westermann, S. Nekolla, M. Schwaiger, Curac 2004 | BIB | |
Numerical Simulations on PC Graphics Hardware J. Krüger, T.Schiwietz, P. Kipfer and R. Westermann, EuroPVM/MPI 2004, Special Session Parsim | BIB | |
GPU-PIV T. Schiwietz, R. Westermann, Proceedings of the Vision, Modeling, and Visualization Conference 2004 | BIB | |
UberFlow: A GPU-Based Particle Engine P. Kipfer, M. Segal, R. Westermann, Graphics Hardware 2004 | BIB | |
Effective Use of Procedural Shaders in Animated Scenes P. Kondratieva, V. Havran, and H.-P. Seidel, International Conference on Computational Science 2004 |
2003 | Download | BibTeX |
Linear Algebra Operators for GPU Implementation of Numerical Algorithms J. Krüger, R. Westermann, SIGGRAPH 2003 | BIB | |
Acceleration Techniques for GPU-based Volume Rendering J. Krüger, R. Westermann, IEEE Visualization 2003 | BIB | |
Compression Domain Volume Rendering J. Schneider, R. Westermann, IEEE Visualization 2003 | BIB | |
Kompressions- und Darstellungsmethoden für hochaufgelöste Volumendaten J. Schneider, Diploma Thesis (in English), 2003 | BIB | |
Local exact particle tracing on unstructured grids P. Kipfer, F. Reck, G. Greiner, Computer Graphics Forum, volume 22, number 2 | BIB |
2001 | Download | BibTeX |
Towards Real-Time Visual Simulation of Water Surfaces J. Schneider, R. Westermann, Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2001 | BIB | |
Accelerated Volume Ray-Casting using Texture Mapping R. Westermann, B. Sevenich, IEEE Visualization 2001 | BIB | |
Real-Time Volume Deformations R. Westermann, C. Rezk-Salama, Computers Graphics Forum (EUROGRAPHICS 2001) | BIB | |
The Rendering of Unstructured Grids Revisited R. Westermann, EG/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym '01) | BIB |
1999 | Download | BibTeX |
Isosurface Extraction Techniques for Web-based Volume Visualization K. Engel, R. Westermann, T. Ertl, IEEE Visualization 1999 | BIB | |
Real-time Exploration of Regular Volume Data by Adaptive Reconstruction of Iso-Surfaces R. Westermann, L. Kobbelt, T. Ertl, The Visual Computer 1999 | BIB | |
Applications of Pixel Textures in Visualization and Realistic Image Synthesis Heidrich, R. Westermann, H-P. Seidel, T. Ertl, ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics 1999 | BIB | |
Multiresolution and Hierarchical Methods for the Visualization of Volume Data Ertl, R. Westermann, R. Grosso, Future Generation Computer Systems | BIB | |
Decoupling Polygon Rendering from Geometry using Rasterization Hardware R. Westermann, O. Sommer, T. Ertl, Eurographics Rendering Workshop 1999 | BIB |