M.Sc. Christoph Neuhauser

Picture of Christoph Neuhauser

M.Sc. Christoph Neuhauser

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München


I am a PhD student at the group of Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Westermann. My major fields in research comprise scientific visualization and real-time rendering. Furthermore, I investigate the application of deep learning techniques in these two fields.

Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses

Currently, I have no open topics for supervision.

Supervised Theses

Topic Student Type of Thesis
Evaluation of Adaptive Sampling Techniques for Ray Tracing Tim Kaiser Master
Extension of Precomputed Real-time Global Illumination by Specular Reflections Berk Saribas Master
Terrain Rendering using RT Cores in Vulkan Florian Hamberger Bachelor
Optimizing Reservoir Sampling for Volumetric Path Tracing Florian Herick Master
Interactive Visualization of Optimized Material Fields via Ray-Tracing Farzaneh Bakhshaei Bachelor
Evaluation of the Effect of Relighting on Image Segmentation Han Liang IDP
Evaluation of the Performance of Raster Order Views (ROVs) on AMD GPUs Daniel Ziese Master

Implementation and Evaluation of Techniques for Interactive Volumetric Path Tracing

Timm Knörle Master
Learning Level of Detail for Point Cloud Rendering Simon Niedermayr Master
Spatial Hashing for Ambient Occlusion in Architectural Visualization Christiane Kobalt Bachelor
Neural Rendering of Point Clouds in Realtime Moritz Schöpf Master
Micropolygon Rendering for Dynamic Objects Umesh Ramchandani Master
Denoising of Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion Felix Brendel Master

Variational Methods for Smooth Surface Reconstruction from Point Cloud and Path Traced Images

Han Liang Master
Visualization of Point Datasets via Ray-Casting Rojer Hamoto Bachelor
Real-Time Adaptive Temporal Denoising using Mutual Information Rohan Fernandez Master
3D Billboards with the Unreal Engine Alexander Moskov Bachelor
Meshlet Generation with Differentiable Rendering Sebastian Merck Master
Hardware-specific Rendering of Hierarchical Meshlets Jonas Lehmann Master
Physically-based Materials for Cinematic Volume Rendering Jonas Itt Bachelor
Interactive Clip Planes in Volumetric Data with 3D Gaussian Splatting Malte Schmitz Master



Neural Fields for Interactive Visualization of Statistical Dependencies in 3D Simulation Ensembles 
Fatemeh FarokhmaneshKevin Höhlein, Christoph Neuhauser, Tobias Necker, Martin Weissmann, Takemasa Miyoshi, Rüdiger Westermann
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV), 2023
[PDF] [Video] [BIB]

A Comparison of Rendering Techniques for 3D Line Sets with Transparency
Michael Kern, Christoph Neuhauser, Torben Maack, Mengjiao Han, Will Usher, Rüdiger Westermann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2020
[PDF] [Preprint] [BIB]