Magic Mirror for Anatomy Learning

Contact Person

Felix Bork (

Ulrich Eck

Prof. Nassir Navab


The "Magic Mirror" is a screen-based Augmented Reality system that allows users to obtain a virtual view inside their own body. By combining techniques such as skeleton tracking, advanced perceptual visualization, and gesture-controlled user interaction, the "Magic Mirror" creates an immersive Augmented Reality experience using simply a Microsoft Kinect camera and a display device. Potential applications of the "Magic Mirror" include interactive anatomy & radiology education, rehabilitation, as well as patient education and information. Previous work on the "Magic Mirror" can be found on

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Anatomy, Learning, Education

Research Partners

LMU Klinik - Anatomy

Dr. Daniela Kugelmann

Project Members

Felix Bork (

Ulrich Eck

Prof. Nassir Navab
