We are happy to announce the program for our annual ImVis workshop after two years of COVID break.
The workshop will be held in the Austrian sports resort Faaker See from April 9th to April 14th.
The event is supported by medPhoton GmbH.
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The chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) at TU München has gained a unique set of expertise in various fields of Deep Learning throughout the past years. By developing new technologies for various applications in the fields of computer vision, medical imaging and life science, the group…
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We are happy to announce that 13 papers of our chair are accepted at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022 . Congratulations to all authors and collaborators!
Mahdi Saleh, Shun-Cheng Wu, Luca Cosmo, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam, Federico Tombari Bending Graphs:…
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We are happy to announce that 5 papers of our chair have been accepted to be published with IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and 6 will be presented later this year at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). Congratulations to all authors and…
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The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has chosen Prof. Nassir Navab as an IEEE Fellow for 2022. Navab is head of the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The IEEE recognizes Navab's outstanding…
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We are happy to announce that 2 papers of our chair will be presented at the Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021) December 06 - 13, 2021.
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We are happy to announce that 3 papers (1 oral) of our chair will be presented at the International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV 2021) December 01 - 03, 2021.
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It is our great pleasure to inform you that the IEEE Board of Directors at its November 2021 meeting elevated Professor Nassir Navab to IEEE Fellow, effective 1 January 2022 with the following citation:
for contributions to augmented reality in medicine and computer-assisted interventions
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We are proud to present our BMBF-funded research project for medical tele-consultation at the MEDICA 2021 exhibition. Please visit us if you are attending the fair.
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We are happy to announce that 3 papers of our chair will be presented at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021) October 11 - 17, 2021.
With an acceptance rate of approx. 25%, ICCV is one of the most competitive international meetings in the field. It is based on full paper…
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