- Shape completion in the dark: completing vertebrae morphology from 3D ultrasound. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 19 (7), 2024, 1339-1347 more…
- S3M: Scalable Statistical Shape Modeling Through Unsupervised Correspondences. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
- On the Localization of Ultrasound Image Slices Within Point Distribution Models. In: Shape in Medical Imaging. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
- CloudAttention: Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Scheme For 3D Point Cloud Learning. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022 more…
- Bending Graphs: Hierarchical Shape Matching using Gated Optimal Transport. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022 more…
- ZebraPose: Coarse to Fine Surface Encoding for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022 more…
- CoFiNet: Reliable Coarse-to-fine Correspondences for Robust PointCloud Registration. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 2021 more…
Mahdi Saleh
M.Sc. Mahdi Saleh
Informatics 16 - Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (Prof. Navab)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone:
- Room: 5613.03.040
- Homepage
- m.saleh@tum.de
Research Interests
- 3D computer vision and Machine Learning
- 6D Object pose estimation
- Hierarchical representations and Graph Neural Networks
- Vision Language Models
- 2 paper accepted at ICRA 2024
- 1 paper accepted at ICCV 2023
- 1 paper accepted at MICCAI 2023 and 1 paper for ShapeMI MICCAI Workshop
- 1 paper accepted at CVPR 2023
- I am starting a PhD research internship at Meta Reality Labs, Redmond WA
- Won 2 awards at BOP 6D Object Pose 2022 challenge http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/sixd/workshop_2022/
- 1 papers accepted at IROS 2022, Kyoto Japan
- 2 papers accepted at CVPR 2022, New Orleans, USA
- 1 paper accepted at Neurips 2021
- I am starting a PhD research internship at Facebook Reality Labs, CA
- Outstanding Reviewer at CVPR 2021
- Accepted Oral paper at 3DV 2020
Winter term 2024/25
Title | Dates | Type | Duration | Lecturer (assistant) |
Praktikum on 3D Computer Vision (IN2106, IN4313) |
PR | 6 |
Student Projects
If you are looking for an IDP, guided research or master thesis around these topics please contact me.
Here is a list of current and previously supervised projects:
Semester | Type | Topic | By | Material |
2023/24 WS | Master's Thesis | Self-Supervised 3D Shape Completion By Growing Graphs | B. Bekci | |
2023 SS | AT3DCV Project | Exploring Unsupervised Multimodal 3D Understanding | I. Unlu, A. Jevtić, O. Aksoy | |
2023 SS | AT3DCV Project | Learning Deformations with Hand Interactions | G. Ünver, N. Fest, A. Kolushev | |
2023 SS | Master's Thesis | Enhanced 3D ultrasound visualization through Unsupervised Segmentation | Oleksandra Tmenova | |
2022/23 WS | Master's Thesis | Vertebrae shape completion in ultrasound | M. Gafencu | |
2022/23 WS | Master's Thesis | Real Time Camera Relocalization In Dynamic Environment | E. shishniashvili | |
2022 SS | DI-LAB Project | Partial 3D Thyroid Registration | A. Baumann, V. Burgin, E. Hoppe, H. Y. Kim | Final Report |
2022 SS | NLO Project | Case Studies Nonlinear Optimization: Deformable Shape Matching | B. Wu, L. Lüdtke, B. Lipp, P. Massetani | Course Webpage |
2022 SS | AT3DCV Project | RANSAC with GNN | A. R. Bhattarai, E. D. Franco, K. Han | |
2022 SS | Master's Thesis | Domain Agnostic Feature Extraction using Graph Neural Networks | R. Srikanth | |
2021/22 WS | Guided Research | Self-supervised 3D Detection with Scene Flow | M. Herold, A. Srinivas | |
2021/22 WS | Master's Thesis | 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation Using Scene Graphs | S. Jeevanandam | |
2021/22 WS | Guided Research | [Exploring point cloud shape completion and upsamplnig for 3D object detection | E. Abdelhafez | |
2021 SS | Lab Project | Hierarchical Retrieval in 3D Scans using GNN | A. Bodonhelyi, A. Desousa | |
2021 SS | Master's Thesis | PointPerceiver?: Hierarchical point cloud processing with Transformers | Y. Wang | |
2021 SS | Master's Thesis | Weakly-Supervised 3D Object Detection by Self-Ensembling | E. Cakir | |
2020/21 WS | Master's IDP | 3D Object Detection and Flow Estimation in Dynamic Surgical Enviroments | D. Gokay, E. Simsar | |
2020/21 WS | Hiwi | 3D Pedestrian Detection from LiDAR Point Clouds | Ch. Yeshwanth | |
2020 SS | Guided Research | 3D Object Detection from Multi-scale Point Clouds Features | N. Danis | |
2020 SS | Practical Project | Tabletop Object Trajectory Augmentation using 3D Point Clouds | A. Mehrfard, I. Chan, R. Fok | |
2019/20 WS | Master's IDP | Graph-based Point Cloud Registration for Tool Tracking | Shervin Dehghani | |
2019/20 WS | Hiwi Project | Visual Assistance with 3D captioning | HyunJun Jung | |
2018/19 WS | Practical Project | Autonomous Garbage Collector using 3D Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning | HyunJun Jung Damian Bogunowicz Sangram Gupta | Final Presentation Video Welcome.AI |
2018/19 WS | Practical Project | 3D Reconstruction and Semantic Segmentation for Furniture Replacement | Vasiliki Sideri Shervin Dehghani Tam Tran | Final Presentation |
2018/19 WS | Bachelor's Thesis | Deep Reinforcement Learning Simulation for Path Planning | Tobias Valinski | |
2018/19 SS | Lab Course | 3d Joint Motion Visualization for Sports or Physical Therapy | Sri Divya Vajapeyajula | |
2018/19 SS | Lab Course | Live Avatar of 3D Human Pose Tracking | Arturo Diaz Coca | |
2018 SS | Bachelor's IDP | Implementation of Mobile Robot Communication Interface and Sensor Control | Krist S. |