Teaching Ansible to SAP Business Users
Thesis (BA)
Advisor(s): Maximilian Niedermeier, Thomas Teubner
The SAP UCC Munich is an Education-as-a-Service (EaaS) provider which is not only specialized in hosting SAP infrastructure, but also in developing courses which provide learners with a proper understanding of SAP software. Currently, we are working on a new course which focuses on teaching the administration of SAP software to business students. In this year, our research group already held two workshops for testing the new curriculum modules. In Towards a Next-Generation Data Center Curriculum, you can read about our first workshop in April.
Ansible is an open-source software used by system administration engineers to automate their IT infrastructure deployments and configurations. Despite its present-day importance in business environments, we found that Ansible is quite difficult to grasp for students who are new to the topic of IT administration. Still, we would like to include this topic in our soon-to-be curriculum.
Research Objectives
We aim to find a way for making Infrastructure-as-Code / Infrastructure automation / Ansible understandable to business students who are new to topics such as Linux, Networking or Database Management Systems.
(Possible) Tasks
- Review scientific literature in the field of <teaching system administration>
- Review existing Ansible learning journeys provided by Red Hat
- Complete the existing curriculum modules and understand them in detail
- Hold a focus group to find requirements for your own learning materials
- Create slides and technical exercises for teaching Ansible to SAP business users
- “If you want to”: Prepare and hold your own lecture (You do not need to talk for 1.5 hours, mostly students will work on practical exercises on their own)
- Evaluation of the results by monitoring user inputs, holding interviews or conducting a survey
- High degree of autonomy and individual responsibility
- Structured, reliable, and self-motivated work style
- Interest in teaching computer science
- Interest in infrastructure automation / Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) / Ansible
- Being able to confidently use the command line
Further Information
Please send your application (including a motivation why you are suited for working in this project), your "Notenauszug" from TUMonline, and your CV to max.niedermeier(at)tum.de. Please note that we can only consider applications with complete documents. Please send your application with your tum/cit.tum e mail address (emails from other addresses will not be anserewed).