- Digital Credentials in Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review. 16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2021), 2021Duisburg-Essen more…
- Digital Administration Business Process Simulation Game: Identification of Key Drivers for Successful Transformation. MWAIS 2020, 2020Des Moines, Iowa, US more…
- Digitalisierung an Hochschulen: Eine Multifallstudie aus Campus Management Perspektive. , GITO Verlag, 2020 more…
- Analysis of a Digital Business Processes Transformation: A Case Study on Digitizing Absence Management. , GITO Verlag, 2020 more…
- Towards Digital Business Process Models in Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study based on the Onboarding of Student Employees. 13th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems and the 16th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, 2019Neaples, Italy more…
- Decision Support for Data Virtualization based on Fifteen Critical Success Factors: A Methodology. MWAIS 2019 Proceedings. 16, 2019Oshkosh, Wisconsin US more…
- Towards Crime Prevention Using Big Data Analytics: A Literature Review with an Explorative Case Study. MWAIS 2019 Proceedings. 24, 2019Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US more…
- Critical Success Factors for Data Virtualization: A Literature Review. The ISC International Journal of Information Security 11 (3), 2019, 131-137 more…
- State-of-the-Art to Measure the TPACK Level of Trainees in Higher Education to Increase the Learnability of the Train-The-Trainer (TTT) Sessions. 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, 2019Dubai, UAE more…
- Beyond 2030 Challenges of Engineering Education in an Information Systems Driven World - an Extraction based on Research Topics. 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, 2019Dubai, UAE more…
- The IGIP Games in Engineering Education Award: At ICL 2018 Conference. 21st International Conference in Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2018Kos Island, Greece more…
- Measurement Model for the Construct “Eco-Driving”: A Mockup for Real-Time Eco-Feedback. Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2018New Orleans, LA, USA more…
- Analyzing Measures for the Construct “Energy-Conscious Driving”: A Synthesized Measurement Model to Operationalize Eco-Feedback. Twenty-Second Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2018Yokohama, Japan more…
- Comparison of Reaction Times of a Visual and a Haptic Cue for Teaching Eco-Driving: An Experiment to Explore the Applicability of a Smartwatch. 21st International Conference in Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2018Kos Island, Greece more…
- Context-Dependent Information Elements in the Car: Explorative Analysis of Static and Dynamic Head-Up-Displays. Thirteenth Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, 2018Saint Louis, Missouri, USA more…
- Erhebungsinstrument zur Messung der Nutzungsmotivation von Energieverbrauchsanzeigen im Automobil. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) Ilmenau 2016 more…
- Innovationspotenzialanalyse für die neuen Technologien für das Verwalten und Analysieren von grossen Datenmengen (Big Data Management). , Ed.: BMWi, 2013, more…

Dr. Matthias Gottlieb
Wirksamkeit von informationellen Triggern untersucht anhand von Energieverbrauchsfeedbacksystemen in Automobilen