- Leveraging Customer-integration Experience: A Review of Influencing Factors and Implications. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) 44 (4), 2019 more…
- Knowledge Management in Customer Integration: A Customer Input Management System. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik , 2016 more…
- Designing for Positive User Experience in Product Design: A Qualitative Analysis of Toolkit Design Elements and their Implications on Emotional Reactions and Perceptions. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2016 more…
- Towards a Requirements Traceability Reference Model for Product Service Systems. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, 2015Sevilla more…
- Knowledge Management in Customer Integration: A Customer Input Ontology. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15), 2015Milan, Italy, 251-260 more…
- Decision Support for the Selection of Appropriate Customer Integration Methods. Proceedings der 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2015), 2015Osnabrück more…
- Verification of Quality Criteria by Customer Integration. 13th INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE - DESIGN 2014, 2014Dubrovnik, Croatia more…
- Kundenintegration in Innovationsprozesse. In: Innovationsprozesse zyklenorientiert managen. Springer, 2014 more…
- A matrix for selecting appropriate customer integration methods. POMS International Conference, 2014Singapore more…
- Web-Based Customer Integration for Product Design: The Role of Hedonic vs Utilitarian Customer Experience. Twenty Second European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2014Tel Aviv more…
- Representing Ontologies in Multiple Domain Matrices. IEEM Conference, 2013 more…

Dr. Kathrin Füller
Customer Integration 4.0: Leveraging Customer Knowledge in Innovation Processes by Using Digital Technologies