- Anticipating acceptance of emerging technologies using twitter: the case of self-driving cars. Journal of Business Economics, 2018 more…
- Reducing false positives in fraud detection: Combining the red flag approach with process mining. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 31, 2018, 1-16 more…
- Operating SAP in the Cloud. Rheinwerk Verlag, 2016 more…
- Teaching Big Data Analytics to IS Students: Development of a Learning Framework. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016 , 2016 more…
- Specification and Implementation of a Data Generator to simulate Fraudulent User Behavior. 19th International Conference on Business Information Systems, 2016 more…
- SAP-Systeme in der Cloud - Implementierung und Betrieb. Rheinwerk Verlag, 2015 more…
- Using Process Mining to Identify Fraud in the Purchase-to-Pay Process. HPI, 2015, more…
- In-Memory-Technologie für Mobile Business Intelligence. ERP Management 3, 2015, 3 more…

Dr. Galina Baader
Aufdeckung von Fraud im Einkaufsprozess durch die Kombination des Red Flag Ansatzes mit Process Mining