- Development and Evaluation of a Game Application for Parking Lot Identification. mobil.TUM, 2017Garching, Germany more…
- Digital Transformation in the automotive industry: towards a generic value network. 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2017 Guimarães, Portugal more…
- A Concept for the Architecture of an Open Platform for Modular Mobility Services in the Smart City. Transportation Research Procedia 19, 2016, 199-206 more…
- The role of Transaction Cost Economics in Information Technology Outsourcing research: A meta-analysis of the choice of contract type. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2016 more…
- The Influence of Familiarity within Teams on the Performance of IT Outsourcing Projects. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2016Anaheim, California, USA. more…
- The Explanatory Power of the Constructs of Transaction Cost Economics Theory. 11th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM), 2016Dublin, Ireland more…
- Predicting the Availability of Parking Spaces with Publicly Available Data. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2016INFORMATIK 2016, 361-373 more…
- The Dual-sided Effect of Project Failure on IT Professionals. ACM SIGMIS-CPR '16, 2016Alexandria, Virginia, USA more…
- Technische Umsetzung der TANDEM-Community - Ein IT- Tool zur gemeinschaftlichen Erstellung von Geschäftsmodellen. In: Innovieren im demografischen Wandel . Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015 more…
- A System Dynamics Model for Business Process Change Projects. International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 2015Boston, USA more…
- Coping with IT Carve-out Projects - Towards a Maturity Model. Proceedings der 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2015), 2015 Osnabrück more…
- Are we already in a mature ITO market? A longitudinal study on the effects of market maturity on ITO vendor project performance. Thirty Sixth International Conference on Information Systems, 2015Fort Worth, TX more…
- What Determines Information Systems Project Performance? A Narrative Review and Meta-Analysis. 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2015Kauai, USA more…
- Generating Trust in Online Consumer Reviews through Signaling: An Experimental Study. 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015Kauai, HI, 3307-3316 more…
- Offentlich Private Partnerschaften: Beziehungsorientierte Kompetenzanforderungen an IT-Dienstleister in IT-Kooperationen. TU München, 2014, more…
- CostRFID: Design and evaluation of a cost estimation method and tool RFID integration projects. In: RFID Technology Integration for Business Performance Improvement. IGI Global, 2014 more…
- Control and Performance in IS Projects: A Meta-Analysis of Hierarchical and Market-based Control Relationships. 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2014Auckland, New Zealand more…
- Using Case Survey Methodology to Extract Variables and Causal Links: An Example from Studying Business Process Change. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Wiley, 2014Delft, Netherlands more…
- A comparative analysis of information visibility in two supply chain management information systems. Journal of Enterprise Information Management 26, 2013, S. 1-19 more…
- Vendor Capabilities in ITO Research: A Systematization and Critical Review. Global Sourcing Workshop, 2013Val d’Isere, France more…
- Towards the development of competitive supply chain information sharing strategies. European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2013, 2013Berlin, Germany more…
- Three Antecedent Factors that Shape Successful BPO Contracts. European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2013Istanbul, Turkey more…
- SAP Business ByDesign - Anpassung und Integration. SAP PRESS, 2012 more…
- Service Descriptions for Cloud Services - The Customer's Perspective. ConLife Academic Conference, 2012Cologne, Germany more…
- Relational Antecedents of Information Visibility in Value Networks. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), 2012Orlando, USA more…
- Do vendors include transaction characteristics in their risk estimation? 33rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2012Orlando, USA more…
- Cloud Computing - Überblick und Herausforderungen für das Controlling. Controlling, Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung 24, 2012, S. 294-300 more…
- Treiber und Hürden der Einführung von Shared Service Centern in der Verwaltungs-IT. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2012 Tagungsband der MKWI 2012, GITO mbH Verlag Berlin, 2012Braunschweig, Germany more…
- The Business Perspective on Cloud Computing - A Literature Review of Research on Cloud Computing. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2012Seattle, USA more…
- Towards Prioritizing IT Solution Developments through System Dynamics and Fuzzy Logic. 45th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS 2012), IEEE Computer Society, 2012Maui, Hawaii more…
- E-Learning als Produkt Service System. In: Planspiele - Qualität und Innovation. Books on Demand GmbH, 2011, S. 127-144 more…
- Serviceorientierte Integration medizinischer Geräte - ganzheitliche IT-Unterstützung klinischer Prozesse. Informatik-Spektrum 34, 2011, S. 276-285 more…
- Methodik zur Kostenschätzung von RFID-Systemintegrationsprojekten. bayme vbm, 2011, more…
- A Conceptual Framework of Requirements for the Development of E-Learning offerings from a Product Service System Perspective. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2011Detroit, USA more…
- Comparing Risk and Success Factors in ERP Projects: A Literature Review. 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011), 2011Detroit, USA more…
- Achieving High Performing Supply Networks Through Value Network Transparency. Proceedings of The 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011), Queensland University of Technology, 2011Brisbane, Australia more…
- NFriendConnector: Design and Evaluation of An Application for Integrating Offline and Online Social Networking. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 3, 2011, S. 214-235 more…
- Gemeinschaftsgestütztes Innovationsmanagement: Anforderungen und ein Referenzmodell. In: Gemeinschaftsgestüzte Innovationsentwicklung für Softwareunternehmen. EUL Verlag, 2011, S. 59-96 more…
- From Medical Processes to Workflows. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics (HealthInf 2010), INSTICC, 2010Valencia, Spain more…
- Using Online Social Networking to Enhance Social Connectedness and Social Support for the Elderly. International Conference on Information Systems Information Technology: Gateway to the Future, 2010Saint Louis, Missouri, USA more…
- Planspiele in der ERP-Lehre. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010Göttingen, Germany more…
- Standardized Device Services. Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii more…
- Service Oriented Device Integration. Proceedings of the Forty-Third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii more…
- Making Innovation happen: Tool-support for Software related Communities for Innovations. International Workshop on Open Design Spaces (ODS`09), IISI- International Institute for Socio-Informatics, 2009Siegen, Germany more…
- Towards a pattern based approach for designing virtual communities for innovations. Workshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2009, Logos, 2009Berlin, Germany more…
- Community Engineering for Innovations: The Ideas Competition as a method to nurture a Virtual Community for Innovations. R&D Management 39, 2009, S. 342-356 more…
- Mobile Anwendungen im Kontext des Medizinproduktegesetzes. Mobiles Computing in der Medizin Proceedings zum 9. Workshop der GI- und GMDS-Arbeitsgruppe Mobile Informationstechnologie in der Medizin, Shaker Verlag, 2009Lübeck, Germany more…
- Zentrale Verwaltung von Gesundheitskarten im stationären Krankenhausumfeld. Wirtschaftsinformatik 50, 2008, S. 489-499 more…
- Technische Sicherheitsanalyse der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte. Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsinformatik Technische Universität München, 2008, more…
- A Proposed Solution for Managing Doctor's Smart Cards in Hospitals Using a Single Sign-On Central Architecture. 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008Big Island, Hawaii more…
- An Approach to Simulate Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. 6th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, INSTICC PRESS, 2008Barcelona, Spain more…
- Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds: Designing an IT-supported Ideas Competition for an ERP Software Company. 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008Big Island, Hawaii more…
- Virtual Communities for Innovations: Users' requirements for the development of an academic SAP User Group. 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008Big Island, Hawaii more…
- Security Analysis of the Health Care Telematics Infrastructure in Germany. ICEIS 2008 - Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Information System Analysis and Specification, INSTICC ? Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2008Barcelona, Spain more…
- Blogify or Die. Weblogs: Die neue Sprache der Wirtschaft oder nur ein weiterer Kommunikationskanal? PR-Magazin 2005, 2005, S. 53-58 more…
Center for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA)

Initial Situation
The Center for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA) is a joint research initiative of the Technische Universität München and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, which was initiated by SAP in 2006. The decision by SAP AG to fund research with these two university partners stems from the cooperation experiences and the knowledge transfer that has taken place by jointly running the SAP University Alliances project. SAP wanted to invest in the potential that could be realized by adding research resources to the chair of business informatics in Magdeburg and the chair for information systems in Munich. Extensive experience in operating Very Large Business Applications, especially Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, has been obtained in the more than twelve years that the UCCs have been in operation. These experiences and infrastructures provide ideal conditions for researching next generation VLBAs and service ecosystems.
Project Aim
The objectives of the centers are the integrated study of Very Large Business Applications (VLBA) and their underlying technologies. The research is oriented on the entire lifecycle of VLBAs, addressing their planning, design, operation, and management as well as the continuous improvement and the process of idea generation for further development. The interdisciplinary approach is essential to improve both efficiency and quality of business information systems’ development and the underlying business processes they support. Expected benefits of the centers’ research output comprise improvements in the management of the deployment and lifecycle-related process, increased user satisfaction, and the delivery of enhanced functionality to the market with regard to software and related products.
Current research along the VLBA lifecycle includes:

VLBA Planning: When planning the introduction of a new VLBA, the question arises, in which way a VLBA can be utilized effectively in order to support business processes. The integration in existing ecosystems and in the overall digital transformation strategy must be taken into account. Therefore, digital business models and digital transformation initiatives as well as the ecosystems were examined in different projects. In one project, challenges in the carve-out of VLBAs are analyzed to derive design recommendations for future corporate IT platforms. In addition, it was examined how to cope with dynamic complexities in Business Process Change Projects.
VLBA Design: Design and Implementation of a VLBA extend classical software engineering. Advanced challenges are the management of the development process and the integration of VLBA components into each other and into the IT environment. One project investigates opportunities to integrate business simulations to VLBAs in order to enable customized business maneuvers. Other projects focused on the service-oriented device integration in the health sector as well as Information Systems and specific use cases of VLBAs in the automotive industry. Another use case for VLBAs are value networks and the supply chain, which were analyzed in another research project.
VLBA Operation: Efficient and effective operation of a VLBA is crucial to an organization’s economic success. Research focusses on the minimization of resource-utilization without lowering the quality of a VLBA’s functionality. Since outsourcing can also play a role in the operation of VLBAs, cloud services and outsourcing were also examined.
VLBA Management: Organizations are facing continuous changes, e.g. in their own structure or because of the environment. To guarantee the successful support of business processes, VLBAs must face this challenge, too. One research project focuses on Software-as-a-Service-ERP-Solutions and gives recommendations for their implementation. Employees play an important role in the planning, implementation and administration of the VLBAs. It was investigated how to retain these key IT professionals. In addition, the risk, governance and performance in VLBAs was examined and information systems were analyzed for this particular purpose.
Innovation Management: Good ideas and innovation management is indispensable for continuous product improvement. Therefore, a group of researchers focused on idea communities and customer integration, competition between different ideas as well as collaborative idea development in virtual idea communities.
The Center for Very Large Business Applications offers the unique possibility to combine the competences of the SAP UCC (University Competence Center) and the innovations- and research capabilities of the Technische Universität München und thus deliver a considerable contribution to the SAP Ecosystem.
Research Funding
SAP SE Doktorandenförderung
Dr. Holger Wittges (Contact Person)