Welcome to KrcmarLab

Our research group was founded in 1987 at the University of Hohenheim as the Chair for Information Systems. In 2002, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Krcmar followed the call of the Technical University of Munich. In October 2020, Helmut Krcmar became Professor emeritus and the former chair became the KrcmarLab. As a research group, KrcmarLab is embedded in the Chair for Information Systems and BPM. Currently, our team consists of 19 members and engages in a variety of research and project work on "IT for matters that matter".

News from KrcmarLab

On May 25, 2024, the University of St.Gallen – School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences, International Affairs and Computer Science (HSG) confered the honorary degree of doctor of economics (Dr. oec. h.c.) on Helmut Krcmar.

Das Krcmar Lab, geleitet von Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar, an der Technischen Universität München forscht und lehrt auf den Gebieten des Informationsmanagements, Dienstleistungsmanagements und der Digitalisierung von Geschäftsprozessen und Geschäftsmodellen. Wir suchen für unser Team ab sofort, in…

Im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs POKAL suchen wir zum Start im Oktober 2024 eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) für die Erforschung des Einsatzes von Technologie in der Depressionsbehandlung.

Today, Dr. Timo Böttcher successfully defended his dissertation on "Antecedents, Design and Outcomes of Digital Business Model Innovation – A Configuration Model"

In a recent R&D Management publication Martin Kauschinger, Maximilian Schreieck and Helmut Krcmar show how platform owners can optimize the design of knowledge boundary resources.

Today, Dr. Alejandro Arreola Gonzalez successfully defended his dissertation on "Design Support to Manage Platform Ecosystem Risks"

During the GMDS Congress 2023 in Heilbronn, the KrcmarLab hosted a panel discussion exploring the utilization of patient-generated health data in depression treatment by general practitioners.

In their recent Electronic Markets publication, Michael Sturm, Jörg Weking, Markus Böhm, Maximilian Schreieck & Helmut Krcmar show how an electronics supplier and a retailer jointly co-innovate the supplier's business model.

This week, researchers of KrcmarLab attended the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2023) that took place in Paderborn, Germany.

Today, Dr. Barbara Prommegger successfully defended her dissertation on "Tackling the IT Skills Shortage: Different Paths in a Difficult Terrain"