Welcome to RostLab, a place where individuality fuels scientific exploration. Our diverse and dynamic project ideas stand ready for your unique touch, offering a canvas for your skills and interests. From deep learning to data visualization, or even systems design, we offer a wealth of opportunities for growth and innovation. Begin your research journey with us today and become a part of our mission to advance computational biology.

Projects and Thesis

Our goal is to tailor our projects to you as best as possible, to achieve that, we need to know a few things.
Please attach this information to your project or thesis application:

  • Your CV with an emphasis on past projects
  • Your transcript including all grades (if you're a student)
  • A topic gleaned from our previous publications, or you can make your own suggestion
  • A concise motivation statement why you want to work on the topic and at RostLab
  • We appreciate evidence of your programming skills - this could be in the form of GitHub repositories, or you could share some of your code with us directly.

Once you've prepared your application, please reach out to us at 'projects [at] rostlab [dot] org'. We're excited to hear from you!

(Paid) Research Internships

Currently, we do not offer graduate or undergraduate internships.

If you are a PhD student with a scholarship to self-fund your internship and your work involves predicting proteomic features or similar, please contact us at projects [at] rostlab [dot] org with the details of your proposal.