M.Sc. Herbert Woisetschläger
Technical University of Munich
Institute of Informatics
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone:
- Office hours: by appointment only
- Room: 5606.01.056
- herbert.woisetschlaeger@tum.de
Herbert holds a Master's degree in Information Systems from TU Munich (class of 2020) and a B.Sc. in Business Administration from Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (class of 2017). He completed his Master's with a thesis on "Efficient event processing in the context of Non-intrusive Load Monitoring" at the Chair of Distributed Information Systems and Data Management under supervision of Prof. Jacobsen (now. University of Toronto).
During his studies, Herbert has worked at a leading technology consulting firm in Silicon Valley as visiting associate, where he has helped start-ups and established corporations shape their digital agenda. Having completed his studies, Herbert joined a global management consultancy in their CIO advisory practice. After time in the industry, he is now pursuing his Ph.D. and works as a research associate on federated machine learning systems at the TUM Chair of Distributed Information Systems and Data Management.
Herbert's research interests include distributed deep learning, federated ML, and economic potentials of these technologies.