Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Ziegler
Technische Universität München
Informatik 13 - Lehrstuhl für Decentralized Information Systems and Data Management (Prof. Leis)
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.:
- Sprechstunde: By appointment only
- t.ziegler@tum.de
Tobias Ziegler is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Decentralized Information Systems and Data Management. His current work focuses on developing cost-efficient, cloud-native data systems, particularly next-generation OLTP databases. His current research explores new cloud primitives, including the design of low-latency, replicated, and cost-effective services for write-ahead logging (WAL) and distributed page servers. Tobias earned his doctoral degree from TU Darmstadt in 2023, where he also spent a year as a PostDoc, focusing on distributed databases and utilizing modern network technologies like RDMA. In 2021, he received the SIGMOD Best Paper Award.
Selected Papers
- Virtual-Memory Assisted Buffer Management
Viktor Leis, Adnan Alhomssi, Tobias Ziegler, Yannick Loeck, Christian Dietrich
SIGMOD 2023 - Design Guidelines for Correct, Efficient, and Scalable Synchronization using One-Sided RDMA
Tobias Ziegler, Jacob Nelson-Slivon, Viktor Leis, Carsten Binnig
SIGMOD 2023 - Is Scalable OLTP in the Cloud a Solved Problem?
Tobias Ziegler, Philip A. Bernstein, Viktor Leis, Carsten Binnig
CIDR 2023 - ScaleStore: A Fast and Cost-Efficient Storage Engine using DRAM, NVMe, and RDMA
Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig, Viktor Leis
SIGMOD 2022 - Tenant Placement in Over-subscribed Database-as-a-Service Clusters
Arnd Christian König, Yi Shan, Tobias Ziegler, Aarati Kakaraparthy, Willis Lang, Justin Moeller, Ajay Kalhan, Vivek R. Narasayya
VLDB 2022 - DFI: The Data Flow Interface for High-Speed Networks
Lasse Thostrup, Jan Skrzypczak, Matthias Jasny, Tobias Ziegler, Carsten Binnig
SIGMOD 2021 - Designing Distributed Tree-based Index Structures for Fast RDMA-capable Networks
Tobias Ziegler, Sumukha Tumkur Vani, Carsten Binnig, Rodrigo Fonseca, Tim Kraska