Image Synthesis - Bildsynthese (IN2015)

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Westermann

Time, Place

Mondays 12:00 - 13:30 
Room: 00.04.011, MI Hörsaal 2 (5604.EG.011)

Tuesdays 12:00 - 13:30
Room: Taurus 1

Begin: Tuesday, Oct. 15th., 2024
Prerequisites: Realtime Computer Graphics

Course Moodle: 


Tuesday Lecture:

Recordings will be available on the moodle


This lecture deals with the fundamentals of photorealistic and interactive image synthesis. In particular, we discuss techniques to achieve interactive frame rates for the realistic rendering of complex models and scenes. Selected graphics algorithms and their efficient implementation exploiting state-of-the-art graphics hardware through graphics APIs will be demonstrated. We focus on dedicated parts of the graphics pipeline and we review the functionality provided by consumer class graphics accelerators including programmable vertex-, geometry- and fragment shaders. In addition, we discuss the governing equations in physics based light transport and we demonstrate effective solution methods for the simulation of global illumination.

This lecture will be held in English. 


  • Interactive rendering (i.e. rasterization and local illumination)
    - Graphics APIs  (concepts and syntax)
    - Graphics hardware
    - The programmable graphics pipeline
    - Vertex-, Geometry-, and Pixel-Shaders
    - Bump-, Normal- and Parallax mapping
    - Deferred lighting 
    - Order independent transparency / Depth-peeling
    - Shadowing techniques
  • Physics based rendering (i.e. global illumination)
    - Radiometric quantities, radiance equation
    - Ray- / path-tracing
    - Photon Mapping
    - Radiosity
    - Ambient Occlusion
  • Other Topics
    - Participating media, Volume Rendering
    - Deep learning in graphics and visualization


  • Pharr, Humphreys: Physically Based Rendering, Second Edition
  • Cohen, Wallace: Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis
  • Möller, Haines: Real-Time Rendering, 2nd edition, A.K. Peters LTD
  • Eberly: 3D Game Engine Design, Morgan Kaufmann
  • DeLoura et. al: Game Programming Gems 1 - 3, Charles River Media
  • Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes: Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition in C
  • Watt, Watt: Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley
  • Glassner: Principles of digital image synthesis, Morgan Kaufman
  • Encarnaçao, Klein, Strasser: Graphische Datenverarbeitung, 4. Auflage, Oldenburg Verlag
  • Griebel, Bungartz, Zenger: Computer Graphik, Vieweg Verlag


There are no separate exercise classes for this lecture.