Fundamentals of Databases (INHN0011)
Database technology is a key technology in practical and applied computer science. The central theme of this course is the modeling, construction, and use of databases. The specific topics covered in the lecture are as follows:
- Introduction to Database Systems
- The Entity Relationship (ER) model and the Enhanced-ER (EER) model
- The Relational Data Model
- Relational Algebra and Calculus
- The Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Advanced SQL
- SQL as Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Database Programming
- Physical Database Design
- Query Processing
- Query Optimization
- Concurrency and Recovery
After successful completion of this course, students will:
- have a basic understanding of modern database systems, their function and implementation,
- be able to model databases using the ER, ERE, and relational models,
- understand the relational algebra,
- formulate queries over databases using SQL,
- create and update databases using SQL,
- understand the concepts of query processing and optimization,
- understand the concepts of transaction and recovery,
- communicate about the above aspects in English.
Offered Semester
Winter semester 2024/25
Lecture Organization
The lecture is held as a 5 SWS course:
- Lecture sessions (3 SWS)
- Exercises sessions (2 SWS)
- Discrete Structures
- Introduction to Informatics 1
- Elmasri and S. B. Navathe: “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, PEARSON.
- Kemper und A. Eieckler: „Datenbanksysteme: Eine Einführung“, Oldenbourg Verlag.