Introduction to Surgical Robotics

Registration Details

The next course is planned for the Summer Semester 2025

Introduction to Surgical Robotics (IN2292)

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration4 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information


After attending this lecture, you'll know about: Analyzing the pros and cons of the use of robots in existing surgical workflows Fundamentals of modes of operation, compiling requirements, specifying components and integration aspects of systems Conception and modeling of solutions for problems based on technical and algorithmic approaches Definition of a clinical project for enhancing surgical applications by the use of robotics


After attending this lecture, you'll know about: Analyzing the pros and cons of the use of robots in existing surgical workflows Fundamentals of modes of operation, compiling requirements, specifying components and integration aspects of systems Conception and modeling of solutions for problems based on technical and algorithmic approaches Definition of a clinical project for enhancing surgical applications by the use of robotics The lecture is structured into three areas: State of the Art and Environment Robotics Basics Basics for Designing a Surgical Robotics Application You will have the opportunity to: Learn about the cutting edge research in surgical robotics Talk to specialists from technology development Develop and present your own approach of robotics assistance in the operating room Do practical work and pass a final test The application-oriented course begins with a presentation of current surgical interventions with robotics assistance and correspondent research projects, analysing benefits and drawbacks. Then, basic knowledge about surgical techniques is presented. Several lectures put the focus on background knowledge that is required for computer scientists to include robotics in their research projects. The acquired knowledge is applied by the students to develop a solution to an existing clinical problem using robotics assistance. Further information will be provided in the moodle online course.

Teaching and learning methods

You will have the opportunity to: Learn about the cutting edge research in surgical robotics Talk to specialists from technology development Develop and present your own approach of robotics assistance in the operating room Do practical work and pass a final test
