Practical Course: Medical Augmented Reality (SS 2025)
The course focusses on designing and implementing novel augmented reality user interfaces for medical use cases.
During the first part of the practical course, students will develop as part of a group of 3-4 members concrete concepts for real-world use-cases of medical procedures (training, diagnostic, intervention, prevention, rehabilitation, …) in cooperation with their tutors and present these concepts to the course participants. In the following, the groups work on the defined work packages to implement a prototype of a novel AR user interface, which consists of methods to visualize medical image data, 3D interaction, perceptual visualization, and collaboration. The final prototypes will then be presented on a Demo-Day, where also the final presentations will be held.
For any questions, please contact: medar-ss25(at)
- Preliminary Meeting: Tuesday, 11.02.2025 10-11am ONLINE
Meeting information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 646 9218 1755
Passcode: 740893

Registration will be required - details will be published here soon.
Please also register in the TUM matching system for the course. Keep in mind that your chances to be assigned to the course increase if you give it a higher rank in your choices. For further details about how the matching system works and its schedule please check this website.
We select appropriate candidates based on their background, interests, and motivation.