ARTEKMED – Augmented Reality Telepresence for Medical Consultation
Contact Person
Consortium and Project Lead: Dr. Ulrich Eck, ulrich.eck(at)
When there are a large number of injured people at a site, all available experts are needed immediately, both at the accident site and at the hospital. To ensure the quality of diagnosis and treatment, it should be possible to call in external expertise to support the relief workers on site.
Goals and approach
In ARTEKMED, a telepresence system for medical consultation using augmented reality is being developed for use at the accident scene and in the hospital. The system allows all available but not on-site experts to be brought virtually to the scene for consultation in order to support the treating physicians in diagnosis and treatment. To this end, technical solutions are being developed for 3D reconstruction in real time, for determining the position of the participants, and for efficient and secure communication. Furthermore, social aspects such as the acceptance of digital doubles in accident situations will also be researched in the project.
Innovation and perspectives
The innovation consists on the one hand in the development of new algorithms for telepresence, which are specifically optimized for medical support in emergency situations. On the other hand, ARTEKMED will help to better understand the psychological aspects of the use of augmented reality, and it also offers approaches for improved interpersonal communication based on this technology.
Research Partners
- TU München, Fakultät für Medizin
- Klinikum der Universität München, Institut für Notfallmedizin und Medizinmanagement
- Klinikum der Universität München, Klinik für Allgemeine, Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- GS Elektro GmbH, Kaufering
- M3i GmbH, München
Project Members
Dr. Ulrich Eck
Dr. Marc Lazarovici
Dr. Simon Weidert
Prof. Daniel Roth
Kevin Yu
Evin Pinar Oernek
Tianyu Song
Lennart Bastian
Michael Wechner
Johann Sutor
Gleb Gorbachov
Thomas Nibler
Anton Roth
Clemens Kraetsch
Arianne Tran
Robin Strak
NARVIS Lab and INM (Human Simulation Center, LMU)