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Xuesong Li
Xuesong Li
Informatics 16 - Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (Prof. Navab)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone:
- Homepage
- xuesong.li@tum.de
I am a Ph.D. student at TUM CAMP(Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures) with Prof. Nassir Navab from November. 2023. I received my M.Sc. Medical Engineering and Assistance Systems & M.Sc. Mechatronic und Robotics from the Technical University of Munich in 2023, following the completion of my B.Eng. from Central South University.
My research interests focus on :
- Deep Learning in Medical Imaging(Segmentation/Tracking)
- Medical Imaging Signals Processing
- Medical Robotics