Dr. Wolfgang Wein
Contact Details
Current Occupation
I am CEO of the R&D lab ImFusion and a senior research scientist in the field of medical image computing, working in the interdisciplinary cross-section of computer science, physics and medicine. Recent research focuses on improved 3D cone-beam X-Ray reconstruction techniques, including novel motion compensation approaches. Another area of interest (based on prior work at Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton), is ultrasound-based interventional navigation in various clinical specialties and all its associated computational challenges.
We are currently looking for students for internships and student projects. Please check the job page at ImFusion for more details.
Curriculum Vitae
- 10/1999 - 01/2004: Computer science (minor physics) at Technische Universität München.
- 02/2001 - 04/2001: Internship at the IT department of the Infineon maskhouse (MH DPT), Munich (evaluation of log files of litographic mask writers for statistical process control).
- 02/2002 - 04/2002: Interdisciplinary project at the new experimental nuclear reactor FRM-II in Garching (development of a framework for network based instrument control of neutron scattering experiments).
- 07/2002 - 09/2002: Participation in the IBM Extreme Blue Summer Internship in Boeblingen. I was working in the Life Science project and developed an integrated 2D/3D chemical structure editor.
- 04/2003 - 10/2003: Internship at Siemens Corporate Research , Princeton, USA. Within the scope of my diploma thesis I was working on 2D/3D registration for patient positioning in radiation therapy.
- 11/2003 - 02/2006: Ph.D. student at the new chair I16 of Prof. Nassir Navab, in collaboration with Siemens Corporate Research.
- 03/2006 - 04/2010: Research Scientist at Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton NJ USA.
- 05/2010 - 07/2012: CTO at White Lion Technologies AG, Munich, Germany.
- 08/2012 - today: CEO at ImFusion GmbH, Munich, Germany.
Title: Multimodal Integration of Medical Ultrasound for Treatment Planning and Interventions
Diploma Thesis
My Diploma Thesis with the title Intensity Based Rigid 2D-3D Registration Algorithms for Radiation Therapy.
- Diplomarbeit: Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Mosaicing (Christian Wachinger)
- Diplomarbeit: Fully automatic calibration of tracked ultrasound systems (Oliver Kutter)
- Diplomarbeit: Variational Deformable Registration for Medical Applications (Darko Zikic)
- Diplomarbeit: Reconstruction and Visualization of 3D Freehand Ultrasound (Fabian Pache)
- Diplomarbeit: Implementation of 2D/3D Registration algorithms using GPU hardware (Razvan Chisu). Download as PDF
- Diplomarbeit: New Volume Rendering Techniques for Image Registration (Peter Lücke)
- Diplomarbeit: PET-MR registration of animal scanner data for attenuation correction (Diego Vivancos, in collaboration with Nuklearmedizinische Klinik der TUM ). Download as PDF
- IDP: Cell nucleus classification & segmentation (Uli Klank)
- IDP: Image Registration and Merging for a new Optical Tomography (Moritz Blume)
- IDP: MR Based Attenuation Maps for PET Measurements (Darko Zikic)
- SEP: Development of a 3D Freehand Ultrasound Application (Florian Krüger)
- SEP: User Interface for Realignment and Fusion of 3D Modalities (Henning Herbers)
- SEP: Distributed Computing of 3D/3D Registration algorithms (Thorben Flämig)