Dr. rer. nat. Vasileios Belagiannis (Βασίλειος Μπελαγιάννης)
Current Occupation
Juniorprofessor at University of Ulm
Recent Publications (Google Scholar)
Curriculum Vitae (updated Apr. 2021)
Research Interests
- Computer Vision
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
Curriculum Vitae
Vasileios Belagiannis is Juniorprofessor at University of Ulm (Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology). He holds a degree in engineering (Greece, 2009) from Democritus University of Thrace, Engineering School of Xanthi and M.Sc. in Computational Science and Engineering from TU München (Germany, 2011). He completed his doctoral studies at TU München (2015) under the supervision of Prof. Nassir Navab and Dr. Slobodan Ilic. He was CAMP member and still affiliated with the Chair. He has been post-doctoral research assistant at University of Oxford and member of the Visual Geometry Group (Prof. Andrew Zisserman). Prior to joining University of Ulm, he has spent time in industry, working as senior researcher at OSRAM.