(Keine Dokumente in dieser Ansicht)
Maximilian Niedermeier
Postal address
Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Str. 5
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 17631
- Room: 5933.02.227B
- E-mail: max.niedermeier(at)tum.de
Educational Background
- M.Sc. in Informatics (Technical University of Munich)
- B.Sc. in Informatics (Technical University of Munich)
Work Experience
- control.IT Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Munich, Germany (working student)
- Synapplix GmbH, Munich, Germany (working student)
- Rechts der Isar Hospital, Munich, Germany (research assistant)
- Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany (tutor in software engineering)
Research Interests
- Identity & Access Management (IAM)
- Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure
- Artificial Intelligence
Research Projects
- SAP University Competence Center (UCC)
- Center for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA)