Theses at the Chair of Prof. Rinderle-Ma

  • All theses have to be written in English (at our chair).
  • All theses have to be written in LaTeX (use Template for import in ShareLatex/Overleaf or local writing).
  • All prototypes created as part of theses are to be hosted on our servers, thus Linux/backend and programming knowledge is mandatory.

We highly recommend to attend the (Master-)Seminar - Scientific Methods in Information Systems in advance.

Please send all applications with a CV, Grade Report (Leistungsnachweis), and an Application Form (including a detailed motivation). Contract work for companies is not a thesis. Please note that every thesis must make a separate, independent scientific contribution. External topics can be supervised only when there is a close link to the research topics and areas of competence of this research group.

Please always contact us with your tum/cit.tum e-mail adress (emails from other addresses will not be answered).


Bachelor Thesis Topics

The topics listed below are examples, concrete topics will be discussed in the regular meetings, to which you are invited after sending all necessary application documents.

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (IN0021) and one of the Practical Courses / Seminars of the Chair.

Master Thesis Topics

The topics listed below are examples, concrete topics will be discussed in the regular meetings, to which you are invited after sending all necessary application documents.

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Business Process Technologies and Management (IN2105) or one of the Advanced Practical Courses of the Chair.


Theses at the KrcmarLab

Please note that since Prof. Krcmar retired in October 2020, he only supervises selected topics. You can find topics offered by his research group in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the KrcmarLab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and give us your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  • Application form (max. three topics): application form
  • Current grades ("Notenauszug") from TUMonline
  • CV

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the KrcmarLab:

  • Theses can be written in German or in English
  • Theses can be written using Word or LaTeX
  • Guidelines for student theses and projects at Krcmar Lab: Deutsch | English
  • Reader for scientific writing: Deutsch | English
  • Example of thesis formatting: Template



*BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project, GR = Guided Research


Theses at the Wittges Lab

You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  • Application form (max. three topics): application form
  • Current grades ("Notenauszug") from TUMonline
  • CV

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the Wittges Lab:

  • Theses can be written in German or in English
  • Theses can be written using Word or LaTeX
  • Please note that Bachelor's theses are oriented around the Information Systems degree programme and have a duration of 5 months. Therefore students of Information Systems are prioritised when assigning topics
  • Guidelines for student theses and projects at Krcmar Lab: Deutsch | English
  • Reader for scientific writing: Deutsch | English
  • Example of thesis formatting: Template



BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project