- Digital Platforms for Social Inclusion: The Case of an Information Platform for Refugees. MIS Quarterly 48 (4), 2024, 1835-1868 mehr…
- Digital Innovation for a Sustainable Economy. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2024 mehr…
- Detecting Feature Requests of Third-Party Developers through Machine Learning: A Case Study of the SAP Community. 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023Maui, Hawaii mehr…
- Knowledge Sharing in Platform Ecosystems through Sponsored Online Communities: The Influence of User Roles and Media Richness. 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), 2023Kristiansand, Norway mehr…
- The role of knowledge boundary resources for platform ecosystems – insights and design implications from <scp>SAP</scp>'s Business Technology Platform. R&D Management, 2023 mehr…
- Individual Enterprise Social Network Adoption: The Influence of Perceived Network Externalities and Perceived Social Capital Advantage. 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2022Nuremberg, Germany mehr…
- Essential Platform Infrastructure and the Need for Regulation. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022Hawaii, USA mehr…
- The Role of Actors in Platform Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review and Comparison Across Platform Types. 13th International Conference on Software Business, 2022Bolzano, Italy mehr…
- From Product Platform Ecosystem to Innovation Platform Ecosystem: An Institutional Perspective on the Governance of Ecosystem Transformations. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2022 mehr…
- The Need to Revise Copyright Law to Reflect the Changing Costs and Benefits of Modern Digital Reuse of Artistic Creations. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022Hawaii, USA mehr…
- Governing innovation platforms in multi-business organisations. European Journal of Information Systems, 2022, 1-22 mehr…
- Computing and Social Welfare. Electronic Markets, 2022 mehr…
- The Cooperation Paradox. Electronic Markets, 2022 mehr…
- Social Welfare Computing and the management and regulation of new online business models. Electronic Markets, 2022 mehr…
- Angebot und Nachfrage - Digitale Ökosysteme aufbauen mit offenen B2B-Marktplätzen. iX Magazin, 2021 mehr…
- Who Quits Privacy-Invasive Online Platform Operators? A Segmentation Study with Implications for the Privacy Paradox. 54th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2021Kauai, Hawaii, USA mehr…
- Moving beyond the Build-or-Join Decision: A Multiple Case Study on Multi-Platform Strategies of Incumbent Firms. 54th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2021Kauai, Hawaii, USA mehr…
- Computing and Social Welfare: Minimizing the Societal Harm From Digital Transformation While Preserving the Benefits of Innovation. 54th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2021Kauai, Hawaii, USA mehr…
- Requirements for Transferring Value from Proteomics Research to Personalized Medicine: Insights from the Current Tool Landscape. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2021Marrackech, Morocco mehr…
- Users’ Awareness, Beliefs, and Satisfaction Concerning the Practices of Dominant Online Platforms: A Survey of Google and Facebook Users to Provide Guidance to Regulators. Symplatform, 2021Virtual online conference mehr…
- Knowledge Sharing in Digital Platform Ecosystems – Textual Analysis of SAP’s Developer Community. 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2021Essen, Germany mehr…
- Modeling a Multi-Platform Strategy: A Case Study of Google. Twenty-Fifth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2021Virtual online conference mehr…
- Challenges and Success Potentials of Platform Cooperatives: Insights from a Multiple Case Study. Twenty-Ninth European Conference on Information Systems, 2021Virtual online conference mehr…
- A Microservice-Based Reference Architecture for Digital Platforms in the Proteomics Domain. In: The Next Wave of Sociotechnical Design. Springer International Publishing, 2021 mehr…
- Design Thinking in Digital Innovation Projects—Exploring the Effects of Intangibility. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2021, 1-15 mehr…
- Capabilities for Value Co-Creation and Value Capture in Emergent Platform Ecosystems: A Longitudinal Case Study of SAP’s Cloud Platform. Journal of Information Technology, 2021, 026839622110237 mehr…
- Entstehung nativer, digitaler Plattformen und ihr Einfluss auf etablierte Unternehmen. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management 13 (2), 2021, 110-119 mehr…
- Breeding Grounds of Digital Platforms: Exploring the Sources of American Platform Domination, China's Platform Self-Sufficiency, and Europe's Platform Gap. 28th European Conference on Information Systems, 2020Marrakesh, Morocco mehr…
- Emergence of a Post-App Era – An Exploratory Case Study of the WeChat Mini-Program Ecosystem. 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2020Potsdam, Germany mehr…
- A Taxonomy of Platform Envelopment: Revealing Patterns and Particularities. 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2020Salt Lake City, USA mehr…
- Digital platform ecosystems. Electronic Markets 30 (1), 2020, 87–98 mehr…
- From Product to Platform: How can BMW compete with Platform Giants? Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 2020 mehr…
- Learning to be a Platform Owner: How BMW Enhances App Development for Cars. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, 1-17 mehr…
- Developing an Industrial IoT Platform – Trade-off between Horizontal and Vertical Approaches. 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019) , 2019Siegen, Germany mehr…
- Cars as Digital Infrastructure: An Analysis of Platform Ecosystem Options in the Automotive Industry. 6th Innovation in Information Infrastructures Workshop, 2019Surrey, UK mehr…
- Shifting to the Cloud – How SAP’s Partners Cope with the Change. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2019) , 2019Maui, Hawaii, USA mehr…
- Competing with Giant Platform Operators: An Analysis of Which Traditional Manufacturing Companies are at Risk from Strategic Dependence on Other Companies’ Platforms in the Emerging Era of the Internet of Things. Platform Strategy Research Symposium, 2019Boston mehr…
- The emergence of native multi-sided platforms and their influence on incumbents. Electronic Markets 29 (4), 2019, 631-647 mehr…
- Value Cocreation and Value Capture in Digital Platforms. Academy of Management, 2019, mehr…
- Value co-creation practices in business-to-business platform ecosystems. Electronic Markets 29 (3), 2019, 503-518 mehr…
- Integreat: An information Ecosystem for Refugees. In: Digital Government Excellence Awards 2018. An Anthology of Case Histories. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2018 mehr…
- Multi-Layer Governance in Platform Ecosystems of Established Companies. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018Chicago, Illinois mehr…
- Barriers to Mobile Government Adoption: An Exploratory Case Study of an Information Platform for Refugees in Germany. 18th European Conference on Digital Government, 2018Santiago de Compostela, Spain mehr…
- Monetarisierung von Mobilitätsplattformen. Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme für Smart Cities und Smart Regions, 2018Oldenburg, Germany mehr…
- Setting Up a Platform Ecosystem - How to integrate app developer experience. IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2018Stuttgart, Germany mehr…
- Combining Design Thinking and Agile Development to Master Highly Innovative IT Projects. Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2018, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2018Bonn mehr…
- Digitale Plattformen in der Automobilbranche – Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2018 mehr…
- Datenschutz bei Mobilitätsplattformen durch Privacy-by-Design. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Prognose von Parkplatzdaten. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Dynamische Planung von Fahrgemeinschaften. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Crowdsourced Delivery. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Ideengenerierung durch Accelerator und Entwicklerportale. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Eine mobilen App zur crowdbasierten Erfassung von freien Parkplätzen durch Gamification. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Referenzmodell einer Mobilitätsplattform. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Governance der Akteure einer digitalen Plattform. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Monetarisierungsstrategien für Mobilitätsplattformen. In: Management digitaler Plattformen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018 mehr…
- Improving Urban Transportation: an Open Platform for Digital Mobility Services. In: Digital Marketplaces Unleashed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017 mehr…
- The Challenge of Governing Digital Platform Ecosystems. In: Digital Marketplaces Unleashed. Springer, 2017, 527-538 mehr…
- Datenschutz durch maschinenlesbare Zertifizierung mittels xBRL. In: Management sicherer Cloud-Services. Springer, 2017 mehr…
- Digitalisierung im Handwerk – IT-Einsatz für mehr Effizienz entlang der Prozesskette. , Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2017, mehr…
- Supporting Refugees in Every Day Life – Intercultural Design Evaluation of an Application for Local Information. Twenty First Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2017Langkawi mehr…
- Governing Platforms in the Internet of Things. 8th International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), 2017Essen mehr…
- How Established Companies Leverage IT Platforms for Value Co-Creation – Insights from Banking. Twenty-Fifth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2017Guimarães, Portugal mehr…
- The Platform Owner’s Challenge to Capture Value – Insights from a Business-to-Business IT Platform. Thirty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems, 2017Seoul, South Korea mehr…
- Sandbox vs. Toolbox – Analyzing Boundary Resource in B2B Software Platforms. European Workshop on Software Ecosystems, 2017Darmstadt, Germany mehr…
- Governing nonprofit platform ecosystems – an information platform for refugees. Information Technology for Development 23 (3), 2017, 618-643 mehr…
- Development and Evaluation of a Game Application for Parking Lot Identification. mobil.TUM, 2017Garching, Germany mehr…
- Matching Drivers and Transportation Requests in Crowdsourced Delivery Systems. 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2017Boston, USA. mehr…
- Datenschutz durch maschinenlesbare Zertifizierung mittels XBRL. , Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2016, mehr…
- Forderung 2: Verfahren zur Wertermittlung von Datensätzen schaffen. , Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2016, mehr…
- A Concept for the Architecture of an Open Platform for Modular Mobility Services in the Smart City. Transportation Research Procedia 19, 2016, 199-206 mehr…
- A Matching Algorithm for Dynamic Ridesharing. Transportation Research Procedia 19, 2016, 272-285 mehr…
- Modularization of Digital Services for Urban Transportation. Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2016 mehr…
- Design and Governance of Platform Ecosystems – Key Concepts and Issues for Future Research. Twenty-Fourth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2016 mehr…
- A Concept of Crowdsourced Delivery for Small Local Shops. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2016INFORMATIK 2016, 375-384 mehr…
- Governance of nonprofit platforms – Onboarding mechanisms for a refugee information platform. SIG GlobDev Ninth Annual Workshop, 2016 mehr…
- Analysis of Platform Governance in the Internet of Things. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2016, 2016European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2016 mehr…
- Multiple-Case Analysis on Governance Mechanisms of Multi-Sided Platforms. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2016Ilmenau, Germany mehr…
- Predicting the Availability of Parking Spaces with Publicly Available Data. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2016INFORMATIK 2016, 361-373 mehr…
- Innovative IT-Dienste im Auto mit OSGi. eclipse magazin, 2015 mehr…

Dr. Maximilian Schreieck
Steuerung der Wertschöpfung in digitalen Plattformökosystemen