Publications at the Chair
Riedl, Christoph; Köbler, Felix; Goswami, Suparna; Krcmar, Helmut: Tweeting to Feel Connected: A Model for Social Connectedness in Online Social Networks. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI) 2013, 2013, S. 1-46 mehr…
Blohm, Ivo; Riedl, Christoph; Füller, Johann; Köroglu, Orhan; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: The Effects of Prediction Market Design and Price Elasticity on Trading Performance of Users: An Experimental Analysis. Collective Intelligence 2012, 2012Cambridge, MA, USA mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: Why e-Service Development is Different: A Literature Review. e-Service Journal Accepted for publication, forthcoming, 2011, S. 1-37 mehr…
Bretschneider, Ulrich; Blohm, Ivo; Fähling, Jens; Huber, Michael; Riedl, Christoph; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: IT zur Unterstützung der Kundenintegration in den Innovationsprozess. Information Management & Consulting 26, 2011, S. 52-57 mehr…
Böhm, Markus; Leimeister, Stefanie; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: Cloud Computing - Outsourcing 2.0 or a new Business Model for IT Provisioning? In: Keuper, Frank; Oecking, Christian; Degenhardt, Andreas (Hrsg.): Application Management. Gabler, 2011, S. 31-56 mehr…
Köbler, Felix; Riedl, Christoph; Vetter, C'eline; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: Social Connectedness on Facebook ? An explorative study on status message usage. 2010 mehr…
Leimeister, Stefanie; Riedl, Christoph; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut: The Business Perspective of Cloud Computing: Actors, Roles, and Value Networks. 18th European Conference on Information Systems IT to empower, University of Pretoria, 2010Pretoria, Südafrika mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Leimeister, Stefanie; Böhm, Markus; Yetton, Philip; Krcmar, Helmut: Competing in the Clouds: A Strategic Challenge for ITSP Ltd. Communications of the AIS 27, 2010, S. 725-742 mehr…
Kohlborn, Thomas; Luebeck, Christian; Korthaus, Axel; Fielt, Erwin; Rosemann, Michael; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: How Relationships Can Be Utilized For Service Bundling. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2010Lima, Peru mehr…
Kohlborn, Thomas; Luebeck, Christian; Korthaus, Axel; Fielt, Erwin; Rosemann, Michael; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: Conceptualizing a Bottom-up Approach to Service Bundling. 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'10), 2010Hammamet, Tunisia mehr…
Kohlborn, Thomas; Luebeck, Christian; Korthaus, Axel; Fielt, Erwin; Rosemann, Michael; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: Identification and Specification of Relationships as the Foundation for Service Bundling. Workshop on Ontology, Conceptualization and Epistemology for Information Systems, Software Engineering and Service Science (ONTOSE'10), 2010Hammamet, Tunesia mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Blohm, Ivo; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: Rating Scales for Collective Intelligence in Innovation Communities: Why Quick and Easy Decision Making Does Not Get it Right. Thirty First International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'10), 2010St. Louis, MO, USA mehr…
Böhm, Markus; Koleva, Galina; Leimeister, Stefanie; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: Towards a Generic Value Network for Cloud Computing. Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services 7th International Workshop, GECON 2010, Springer, 2010Ischia, Italy mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Wagner, Steffen; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: Exploring Large Collections of Ideas in Collaborative Settings through Visualization. 20th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'10), 2010St. Louis, MO, USA mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: Service Innovation for Electronic Services. In: Ahson, Syed (Hrsg.): Service Delivery Platforms: Developing and Deploying Converged Multimedia Services. CRC Press, 2010, S. 1-30 mehr…
Böhm, Markus; Herzog, Andreas; Riedl, Christoph; Leimeister, Stefanie; Krcmar, Helmut: Cloud Computing als Treiber der IT-Industrialisierung? Ein Vergleich mit der Automobilbranche. Information Management & Consulting 25, 2010, 46--54 mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; May, Norman; Finzen, Jan; Stathel, Stephan; Kaufman, Viktor; Krcmar, Helmut: An Idea Ontology for Innovation Management. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 5, 2009, S. 1-18 mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: New Service Development for Electronic Services. Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'09), 2009San Francisco, CA, USA mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; May, Norman; Finzen, Jan; Stathel, Stephan; Leidig, Torsten; Krcmar, Helmut: Managing Service Innovations with an Idea Ontology. XIX. International RESER Conference, Kopint-Tarki Zrt, 2009Budapest, Hungary mehr…
Kohlborn, Thomas; Korthaus, Axel; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: Service Aggragators in Business Networks. 13th Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW 2009), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009Auckland, New Zealand mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Böhmann, Tilo; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Krcmar, Helmut: A Framework for Analysing Service Ecosystem Capabilities to Innovate. 17th European Conference on Information Systems 2009, European Conference on Information Systems, 2009Verona, Italy mehr…
Böhm, Markus; Leimeister, Stefanie; Riedl, Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut: Cloud Computing: Outsourcing 2.0 oder ein neues Geschäftsmodell zur Bereitstellung von IT-Ressourcen? IM-Fachzeitschrift für Information Management und Consulting 24, 2009, S. 6-14 mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Böhmann, Tilo; Rosemann, Michael; Krcmar, Helmut: Quality Management in Service Ecosystems. Information Systems and e-Business Management 7, 2009, S. 199-221 mehr…
Riedl, Christoph; Böhmann, Tilo; Rosemann, Michael; Krcmar, Helmut: Quality Aspects in Service Ecosystems: Areas for Exploitation and Exploration. 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2008), ACM, 2008Innsbruck, Austria mehr…