Mobilization Potential of Public Administrative Processes

Initial Situation

The spread of mobile phones, smartphones and mobile Internet usage increases not only in Germany, but all over the world. The digitalization of everyday life affects both leisure activities and professional activities by a variety of new online services. The development of mobilized work activities is supported by the growing performance of hardware and software of mobile communication devices, decreasing telecommunications costs and improved network coverage. Influenced by the diffusion of mobile devices in the population and the corresponding media literacy more and more companies tend to integrate mobile devices into their business processes. However, in the public administration such an integration of mobile information and communication technologies happens only occasionally. The investment costs faced by unresolved potential benefits can be handled as significant barriers for a comprehensive integration.

Project Aim

The aim of this project is to identify the potential benefits of mobile information and communication technologies for processes for the German public administration and to demonstrate how these processes can be designed to be more efficient and more effective. Therefore, a method has to be developed and evaluated which is suitable to identify the mobilization potential. The estimated project completion is the third quarter of 2015.


The starting point of the method development is an empirical investigation of national and international examples of mobilized management processes of public administration departments. Semi-structured telephone interviews will be carried out in selected agencies to identify conditions for the implementation and the success of a mobilization. The results will be supplemented by document analysis to technical and legal frameworks. To evaluate the developed method in terms of practicality, completeness and quality, it will be applied in selected departments of the German public administration. Further activities relate to the development of guidelines for a practical application of the method.


The result of the work is expected as a new, pragmatic approach for the identification of mobilization potential of processes of the public administration.


Scientific Partners

Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, Competence Center ELAN - Electronic Government and Applications (Mr. Lutz Nentwig)

Research Funding

Interdisziplinäre Studien zu Politik, Recht, Administration und Technologie e.V. (ISPRAT e.V.)


Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar
Robert Zepic, M.A. (Contact Person)