Welcome to KrcmarLab

Our research group was founded in 1987 at the University of Hohenheim as the Chair for Information Systems. In 2002, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Krcmar followed the call of the Technical University of Munich. In October 2020, Helmut Krcmar became Professor emeritus and the former chair became the KrcmarLab. As a research group, KrcmarLab is embedded in the Chair for Information Systems and BPM. Currently, our team consists of 19 members and engages in a variety of research and project work on "IT for matters that matter".

News from KrcmarLab

The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2021 took place in a virtual format at the beginning of January. Several papers on digital platforms, blockchain and IT workforce have been presented: Moving beyond the Build-or-Join Decision: A Multiple Case Study on Multi-Platform…

One week ago, I17 presented its research at the renowned International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020). The conference was centered around the theme "Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global" and took place from 13th to 16th of December in a virtual environment. I17…

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Are you enthusiastic about software and the latest technology trends? Then join the SAP Student Training and Rotation program for master’s student.

The project Integreat, an information platform for refugees and migrants supported by the Chair for Information systems since 2015 has received the Excellence in Transformational Finance Award from the Financial Times and the IFC - International Finance Corporation. The Award honors the business…

As of October 1, 2020 Prof. Dr. Markus Böhm is interim Chair of the newly created Chair for Information Systems and Business Process Management. He started his work in 2009 at the Chair for Information Systems and obtained his PhD on the topic of IT-related challenges in mergers and acquisitions…

Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar retired in October 2020. Thus, after more than 18 years he passes on the Chair for Information Systems at the Department of Informatics, TUM. Since October, Prof. Dr. Markus Böhm serves as interim Chair Holder for the newly created Chair for Information Systems and Business…

The 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management  has been held this year in a virtual format from August 7-11th. In the symposium "Advancing the Understanding of Agility and Agile Methods in Organizations", the underlying mechanisms promoting agility as well as the impact of agile methods on…

In their ongoing study "eGovernment Monitor", Initiative D21 and the Chair for Information Systems have been investigating the actual use of eGovernment services and the success factors and obstacles to their introduction for years. This year's topics also included digital education and how schools…

Das Masterseminar „Digital Transformation“ unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar, Dr. Tobias Riasanow, David Soto Setzke und Gerhard Oswald (SAP) wurde von der Fakultät für Informatik mit dem Preis für beste Lehre ausgezeichnet. Das interdisziplinäre Seminar ermöglicht Studierenden mittels…