Welcome to KrcmarLab

Our research group was founded in 1987 at the University of Hohenheim as the Chair for Information Systems. In 2002, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Krcmar followed the call of the Technical University of Munich. In October 2020, Helmut Krcmar became Professor emeritus and the former chair became the KrcmarLab. As a research group, KrcmarLab is embedded in the Chair for Information Systems and BPM. Currently, our team consists of 19 members and engages in a variety of research and project work on "IT for matters that matter".

News from KrcmarLab

Jetzt bewerben für die Prämierung einer hervorragenden Bachelorarbeit!

Thema: Für Forschung in den Bereichen Digitale Transformation und Nachhaltigkeit sucht das KrcmarLab studentische Unterstützung (m/w/d). Der Begriff „Digitale Transformation“ wird vielfach als Schlagwort für eine Vielzahl verschiedener technischer und organisatorischer Veränderungen verwendet. Das…

Einstellungsdatum: 01.08.2022 Thema: KI-basierte Assistenzsysteme für prozessbegleitende Gesundheitsanwendungen

An increasing number of incumbent companies strive to implement innovation platforms to create ecosystems of third-party applications. However, internal tensions arise when such platforms are implemented and the companies have to rely on governance to resolve these tensions. In the recent article "…

Einstellungsdatum: ab sofort / nach Vereinbarung

The article entitled "The Engagement of Complementors and the Role of Platform Boundary Resources in e-Commerce Platform Ecosystems" has been pubslished in Information Systems Frontiers. The paper was co-authored by Martin Engert, Julia Evers, Andreas Hein & Helmut Krcmar.

The article entitled "No Longer Out of Sight, No Longer Out of Mind? How Organizations Engage with Process Mining-Induced Transparency to Achieve Increased Process Awareness" has been pubslished in Business & Information Systems Engineering. The paper was co-authored by Julia Eggers, Andreas Hein,…

Einstellungsdatum: ab sofort (oder nach Vereinbarung)

The article “Capabilities for value co-creation and value capture in emergent platform ecosystems: A longitudinal case study of SAP’s cloud platform” by Maximilian Schreieck, Manuel Wiesche, and Helmut Krcmar published in the Journal of Information Technology was awarded with the first-ever Best…

The article entitled "Capabilities for Value Co-Creation and Value Capture in Emergent Platform Ecosystems: A Longitudinal Case Study of SAP’s Cloud Platform" has been pubslished in the Journal of Information Technology. The paper was co-authored by Maximilian Schreieck, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut…