Welcome to KrcmarLab

Our research group was founded in 1987 at the University of Hohenheim as the Chair for Information Systems. In 2002, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Krcmar followed the call of the Technical University of Munich. In October 2020, Helmut Krcmar became Professor emeritus and the former chair became the KrcmarLab. As a research group, KrcmarLab is embedded in the Chair for Information Systems and BPM. Currently, our team consists of 19 members and engages in a variety of research and project work on "IT for matters that matter".

News from KrcmarLab

We sincerely congratulate Timo Böttcher and Helmut Krcmar for winning the Kauffman Award at the America's Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2023).

Du suchst spannende Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und möchtest Unternehmen, insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Betriebe (KMUs), dabei unterstützen, die innovativen Möglichkeiten verschiedener KI-Techniken zu nutzen? Für die Forschung in den Bereichen KI,…

Today, Dr. Martin Engert successfully defended his dissertation on "Managing Complementor Engagement in Digital Platform Ecosystems"

Today, Dr. Niklas Weiss successfully defended his dissertation on "Platform Emergence in Incumbent Firms - Insights from an Automotive Case Study"

Last week, researchers of Krcmar Lab attended the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2023) of the AIS that took place in Nanchang, China.

Today, Dr. Rob Jago Floetgen successfully defended his dissertation on "Digital Platform Ecosystems: Integrating the Efforts of Autonomous Actors"

Last week, researchers of Krcmar Lab attended the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023) of the AIS that took place in Kristiansand, Norway.

Today, Norman Schaffer successfully defended his dissertation on "Conceptualizing Business Model Evolution"

Today, David Soto Setzke successfully defended his dissertation on "Success Factors for Digital Transformation Strategies in Established Organizations – A Configurational Approach"

A new wave of start-ups shows that ecological sustainability can be integral to a business model (BM) without compromising economic success. Like start-ups that designed their BMs to be ecologically and economically sustainable, incumbents also need to undergo two fundamental transformations in…